Well the weather for a start. It has turned a little chilly again here, not that it was that warm the other day. I wrapped up well to take the dog for a run in the woods, it was lovely to be out.
Change, this is a slow one, the gradual forward movement in to earning my own money. I have put a date in the calendar for my first Beyond Chocolate Workshop, Saturday 10th June. Very exciting and a little bit scary.
I finished a Layout today, forgot to take a pic though.
Tomorrow I get a day at Paper Arts, as long as we don’t get snow here, which is what happened last month and it was cancelled. Will have to upload some of what I do tomorrow.
My baby steps for March from “A Life Well Crafted” online class at Big Picture Scrapbooking, is to make lots of little general cards to send randomly to family to bring a smile to their home. š